
Description Ginger is native to India, China, Jamaica and other tropical areas, where its use as a culinary spice spans at least 4,400 years. Ginger grows in fertile, moist, tropical soil.
Function/ Used for Ginger is a popular stomach-settler and has been used for thousands of years as a treatment for digestive problems ranging from mild indigestion and flatulence to nausea, vomiting, travel sickness, morning sickness in pregnancy and vertigo.

It has also been used to relieve symptoms of colds and arthritis due to its anti-inflammatory properties.

Intake N/A
As a supplement Ginger is available in raw root form and in tablets and capsules.

Tea can be made with fresh ginger root (up to four cups of ginger tea per day for colds).

Ginger oil is sometimes mixed with a neutral oil to rub on to areas of muscular pain.

Ginger may help to relieve morning sickness during the first two months of pregnancy1.

Found in (dietary sources) N/A
Deficiency N/A
Precautions and contraindications Large amounts of ginger should be avoided on an empty stomach. Chemotherapy patients should not take ginger on an empty stomach.

Ginger in high doses is not recommended for children under 6years1.

Use in pregnancy and breastfeeding Up to 2grams per day of dried ginger root (or equivalent) is suitable to be taken during pregnancy and breastfeeding2.
Interactions e.g. with other medications Due to the anti-platelet activity of ginger,  doses above general dietary intake are not recommended to be taken alongside warfarin and other anti-platelet (blood thinning) medications3.
Adverse effects Gastric irritation, heartburn and bloating have been reported.

Ginger oil may cause dermatitis in hypersensitive individuals1, 2.

References 1.       NHS Choices Nausea and Morning Sickness

2.       Braun & Cohen. Herbs and Natural Supplements: An evidence-based guide. Churchill Livingstone, 2005.

3.       C. A. Newall, L.A. Anderson, J.D. Phillipson. Herbal medicines – a guide for healthcare professionals. Pharmaceutical Press, 1996.

